Further to the additional restrictions announced by the Northern Ireland Executive last week we want to let you know that we are allowed to remain open during this time.
Our team continue to work hard to get through the backlog of those patients who had contacted us in pain during lockdown and those who had their original appointments scheduled for March to July postponed.
Please be patient as we are working on a reduced capacity basis as there are still significant restrictions on dentists in terms of the settlement ‘fallow period’ required after any AGP (aerosol generating procedure) like fillings. This means we are unfortunately only able to see a fraction of the number of patients that we were able to see pre-Covid. We appreciate this is incredibly frustrating for all of our patients as it is for us. We are getting well through our backlog and hope to be in touch soon to make appointments for everyone who has been in contact.
Please note that the out of hours pain relief clinic at the City Hospital is not operational at the present time so if you have a dental emergency please ring us on 02897 519055 and leave your name and best contact number and a brief message about your emergency on the answering machine and a member of staff will get back to you the next morning if during the week. At the weekend a dentist is monitoring calls and will ring you back if you leave a message at the weekend on the answer machine.
A reminder if you have an appointment please remember to wear a face covering (unless you are medically exempt) and you will be asked to sanitise your hands on arrival.